Implants NJ

At Bloom Holistic Dental, we believe in only using materials that are synergistic with the human body.

Zirconia is the best implant material available that is non-metal and of the highest purity.

Zirconia implants are a truly biocompatible and metal-free implant that osseointegrates into the bone with less risk of rejection, allergic reactions, or autoimmune issues.

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Why are Zirconia Implants Better
than Titanium Implants?

Titanium Implants

Contains titanium and other metals that can contribute to allergies and auto-immunity
Corrosive and will break down
Porous, allows bacteria to colonize the implant, leading to more infections and jaw bone erosion
Metallic, unnatural appearance

Zirconia Implants

Zirconia is a 100% biocompatible implant, meaning your body will not reject the material and it will not cause auto-immune issues
Zirconia is non-corrosive and does not break down
Zirconia is non-porous, meaning bacteria cannot get into the implant and there is less risk of infection or peri-implantitis (which causes bone loss and implant failure)
Zirconia implants are non-metal implants and have a more natural appearance as they are white in color

Why Zirconia Implants?

If you are missing teeth, zirconia dental implants are the best way to restore your smile. This will ensure that you have teeth that behave like real teeth. Traditionally, titanium dental implants have been a dentists’ go-to approach for implants. However, because they are metal, there is the potential for corrosion and oxidation. In order to offer the best health options to our patients, we use zirconia implants which are made of “zirconium oxide”, a 100% biocompatible material. This material is already fully oxidized so it does not degrade over time. Additionally, zirconia implants are tooth-colored which aids in creating the best esthetic outcome and are non-metal.


Advantages of Zirconia Implants


Zirconia is non-toxic and biocompatible, meaning they are compatible with our tissues and organ systems. There is very low risk of allergic reactions, rejection, or immune dysfunction.

Bone and Tissue Integration

Zirconia integrates into your jawbone, keeping the implant stable. Zirconia promotes jaw bone growth around the implant. Zirconia also helps promote healthy regeneration of the gum tissue around the implant (unlike titanium implants where the gum tissue tends to pull away).


Zirconia is an extremely strong material and resists wear and tear better than titanium. With proper care and maintenance, zirconia implants can last for many years.

Auto-immunity & Titanium Implants: The Connection

Patient Case

Patient X presented with fatigue, arthritis, inflammation, a positive ANA and a positive dsDNA antibody, which indicated that she had markers for lupus. She also stated that 6 months before her symptoms began, she had a titanium implant placed. Reabsorption and bone loss were found around the implant. The implant was considered failed and was removed.

Within 6 months after the titanium implant was removed, her pain, inflammation, and fatigue resolved. When auto-immune antibodies were checked, they were now negative.

In this case removing the titanium implant helped resolve the patient’s inflammation, fatigue, and auto-immune reaction, however, patients may also have other underlying causes for positive ANA and a positive dsDNA antibody and should consult a physician.

During the exam, Dr. Zimmermann will assess the foundation to see if there is enough support for an implant. This means checking if you have enough bone, enough clearance from vital structures such as the sinuses, nerves, and vessels, enough interocclusal clearance for a future crown, and if the gum tissue is healthy and free of disease.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Begin your journey to optimal oral health with a holistic dentist in NJ