SMART Amalgam Removal NJ
The ADA (American Dental Association) acknowledges that elemental mercury vapor is constantly released from “silver” (amalgam/mercury) fillings. This mercury is absorbed into your body via the alveoli of your lungs and the lining of your Gastro-intestinal tract.
At Bloom Holistic Dental, we follow the SMART amalgam removal protocol and a detox protocol in order to remove mercury safely and ensure optimal health and longevity.

Our Safe Amalgam Removal Process
Prior to & after the SMART amalgam removal procedure, we recommend our patients take activated charcoal or chlorella to bind to and detox from amalgam exposure.
Protective Gear
To ensure the safety of our patients, we drape them in protective body coverings with eye gear. Oxygen masks are used for pure delivery of uncontaminated oxygen.
Protective Oral Dam
Protective dental dams are utilized to isolate the affected tooth and prevent swallowing of amalgam pieces. This limits patients’ exposure to mercury.
Air Filtration
To ensure minimal mercury release into the room’s airflow, our clinic utilizes high volume suction tools and the use of a specialized air vacuum.
Safe Drilling Technique
Dr. Zimmermann is trained and certified in a specialized drilling technique that reduces the amount of mercury vapor released during the removal process.
We utilize the latest and biologically safe disinfection methods during the procedure. Ozone gas and water are utilized to treat and prevent future infections.

What are the Health Risks of Amalgam “Silver” Fillings?
Amalgam fillings, which are 50% mercury by weight, release mercury vapors every time a person chews, drinks anything hot or cold, or when speaking. Amalgam fillings can also “leak” causing more mercury to enter the oral cavity. This mercury will then be transported to other parts of the body where it can have a negative impact on one’s overall health.
The mercury vapors that are either inhaled, absorbed, or transported to other parts of the body are cytotoxic and have been linked to cellular oxidative stress and cellular damage.
Mercury toxicity can be linked to various health issues, such as:
Leaky gut
Neurological Issues (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease)
Autoimmune Disorders
Thyroid Dysfunction
Kidney and Liver Damage
What are the benefits of SMART amalgam removal NJ?
Removing mercury / amalgam fillings will reduce your toxic load as mercury vapor is continuously released from your “silver“ fillings
No more Galvanic reactions (metals conduct electricity from tooth to tooth, acting like a battery). As the electric current flows, metal ions flow out the bottom of the tooth and move into the nerve of the next tooth.
No more allergic reactions or hypersensitivity as the irritant has been removed
Metals create an electric field in your mouth and can disrupt signals in the nervous system. Removing the metal in your mouth can reset your nervous system and allow signals to flow uninterrupted.
No more corrosion. The metals in your mouth corrode over time and can break down and leak out into the rest of your body.

What is SMART amalgam removal?
The Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) is a procedure where toxic mercury fillings (aka “silver” fillings) are removed without having the patient be exposed to the toxins present in the filling. In order to safely remove these amalgam fillings, proper techniques and protocols must be followed. The SMART protocol minimizes exposure to mercury while your fillings are being removed and replaced. Specialized equipment and techniques are used in order to ensure that the patient is not exposed to toxins.