Platelet-Rich Fibrinogen NJ
Using Platelet-Rich Fibrinogen enables us to help enhance our patients healing process. PRF uses the body’s own innate healing response via concentrated platelets, growth factors, cytokines, and other bioactive molecules that initiate and potentiate tissue healing.
At Bloom Holistic Dental, we will draw your blood and centrifuge it down into a serum that contains a natural fibrin network and other components that promote healing and bone and tissue regeneration.
Why add PRF into a treatment plan?
PRF contains Growth Factors, which helps promote healing, collagen production, and aids in tissue regeneration.
White Blood Cells are contained in PRF, which aid in immune system function and help prevent and fight off infections.
PRF enhances the body’s natural healing abilities and aids in regenerating tissue and bone via different cellular components.
Platelets in PRF helps promote blood clot formation in a surgical site, which is an essential part of the healing process.
Stem Cells help repair tissues and promote healing. They also help reduce post-operative pain and inflammation.

Ways PRF Enhances Healing
PRF contains platelets that become activated when they encounter damaged tissue. Growth factors and cytokines are then released, promoting faster healing and increased blood flow to the area.
The PRF membrane creates a scaffold that delivers vital growth factors to the site of injury or surgery.
Platelet-Rich Fibrinogen leads to higher rates of post-surgical success with healing.
PRF heals surgical sites rapidly as a site that has received PRF shows 3-4 weeks of healing within one week.
When to use Platelet-Rich Fibrinogen?
Platelet-Rich Fibrinogen is used to treat various oral health issues and promotes more effective and faster healing post-operative.
PRF is used to treat certain conditions and is used following certain procedures, such as:
Tooth Extraction Sockets
Bone Grafting for Bony Defects
Cavitation Surgery
Gum Recession
Can I be allergic to PRF?
As it’s your own blood, there will be no allergenicity or auto-immune response that is sometimes seen when using allogenic (non-self) bone grafting materials.