Dental Meridians NJ
At Bloom Holistic Dental, we recognize that there is more to our mouth than just what is physically visible. Our bodies are a whole system of energy and there are energy pathways, also known as meridians, in our bodies. All of our teeth are connected to different energy pathways or meridians that are connected to specific organs or other systems in our body.
What are energy meridians?
Energy meridians are channels within the body that direct the flow of energy, just like the circulatory systems holds and transports blood. Meridians affect every organ and physiological system of the human body. Every meridian corresponds to a specific organ and also encompasses the larger functions of that organ and other organs around it.
Energy meridians can play a crucial role in health and disease processes. When energy meridians become blocked or stagnant, disease processes can present.
Energy meridians are pathways that remove energy blockages, stagnation, and imbalances in the body. Energy meridians also play a vital role in maintaining the vital life force and homeostasis of the body, while also impacting our metabolism, nervous system, and any cellular changes that occur.
While energy meridians exist in our body, tooth meridians also exist within the mouth. The energy meridian flow is critical to your oral health and the health of your oral microbiome.
Tooth meridians are connected to every major organ system in the body, including the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, brain, digestive, endocrine, immune, skeletal, muscular, & lymphatic systems.
When energy in a tooth meridian becomes disrupted or stagnant, it is can lead to stagnation or disruption of the organ it is linked to.
Holistic dentists and biological dentists will take into account the tooth meridians and how dental infections can impact the rest of your body via these energy meridians.
It is important that patients realize energy meridians are just one part of understanding overall and oral health, diagnostic methods such as X-rays, CBCT Scans, and clinical examinations are still needed for accurate diagnosis and treatment of dental disease. A holistic dentist or biological dentist will use various diagnostic methods and take tooth meridians into account when diagnosing dental disease or infections.
How are your teeth connected to energy
What dental procedures can
impact tooth meridians?
Root Canals
Cavitations (Necrotic bone)
Amalgam fillings (”silver” fillings)
Corrosive Metals
Dental Infections
Titanium Implants