Biocompatibility Testing NJ
Every person has a unique biochemistry and the materials used in dentistry will affect everyone differently and to varying degrees.
The effects of certain substances or dental materials can cause little or no reaction in one person while causing another individual to exhibit allergenicity or immune reactivity.
As every person is different, we believe in using biocompatibility testing to find the best materials for each individual patient.
What is Biocompatible Testing?
Biocompatibility testing is done in order to asses a patient’s sensitivity or reactivity to certain materials as every patient is unique. The biocompatibility test used in our holistic dental office will test over 9500 different dental materials. The patient’s individual serum reactivity will be measured for each material. The dental materials will then be grouped into Highly Reactive, Moderately Reactive, and Least Reactive for each individual patient’s biochemistry.
How is Biocompatibility testing done?
Biocompatibility testing is done via blood testing. We can either draw your blood in office or you can have a test kit shipped directly to you and have your local lab draw your blood. We use Biocomp Labs for all biocompatibility testing done in our office.
Why Should I have
Biocompatibility Testing Done?
Biocompatibility testing is intended to assess if certain patients carry sensitivities to commonly used dental materials. For patients with allergies or other underlying health issues, biocompatibility testing can be largely beneficial as it will help avoid using any materials that the patient may react to.
Biocompatibility testing goes beyond just testing if a person will have a reaction to the materials used at time of treatment. This test also analyzes if the person will have a physical response to the byproducts of said material as it ages and wears down.
Using biocompatibility testing, we can avoid the use of certain dental materials that could cause negative reactions either now or in the future.